

We Have Been With The TURK Farmer Since 1969!

Thanks to this feature, Konya, which is the center of the sector, enables agricultural machinery manufacturers to develop in the region. The pulse of Alparslan Tarım, which has become one of the leading manufacturers in Konya, which closely follows all the developments in its field, beats at the same time as the world.

Alparslan Tarım Makinaları Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., which was established in 1969 and is one of the well-established industrial establishments of Konya, continues its activities with the excitement of the first day and years of experience in a total area of 50.000 m2, 35.000 m2 of which is closed, in Konya 4th Organized Industrial Zone. is doing. Alparslan Tarım, which has a machine park that constantly follows the renewed technology and continues to develop in this direction, carries its strength to even higher levels with its new laser cutting, plasma and robot welding investments. Our company, which carefully follows the cutting processes of other industrial establishments with the powerful and fast laser cutting machine it has added to its investments, is constantly improving its production and product quality.

Tractor Front Loader and Attachments, Tractor Backhoe Loader, Combined Grain Sowing Seeder, Pneumatic Sowing Seeder, Sliding Chassis Pneumatic Seeder, Bale Collecting Machine and Bale Loading Attachment, Air System Combined Threshing Machine, Auger Combined Threshing Machine, Hull Peeler Alparslan Tarım, which manufactures Threshing Machine, Combined Threshing Machine with Straw Transport System, Mobile System Single and Double Belt Threshing Machine with Warehouse, offers its consumers more comprehensive and more technological products in every new period.

In addition, Alparslan Tarım, which has been the Central Anatolian Regional Dealer of New Holland tractors, combines and agricultural equipment since 2000, is leading the development of the sector by laying the foundation of the new 3S Plaza in 2017.

Our company, which attaches importance to the aesthetics of its products as well as to its internal structure, directs its production in line with appreciation and constructive criticism in order to fully respond to the expectations of its customers.

Alparslan Tarım, which has brought its production and products to a modern structure in this direction, applies quality and management standards without compromising in order to maintain and develop this structure.

As a result of this customer-oriented production approach, Alparslan Tarım has an important share in both domestic and international markets today.

The priority of Alparslan Tarım, which exports to all over the world, mainly Morocco, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Algeria, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Tunisia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Greece and France; To fulfill its responsibilities towards the consumer and society with its sensitivity to customer satisfaction, and to maintain its leadership in the sector with its quality products by following the technology.

